DJE Gift & Antique Shop
CATEGORY 5 - Item # A0501

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Cup Height: 2 inches Cup Diameter: 1-7/8 inches Plate Diameter: 4-1/2 inches Item Description:

This little cup and plate was probably made for a child's toy dishes set. The blue-lined transfer on the plate and both sides of the cup dipicts a bird perched in a tree looking at a second bird flying towards the first bird. The tree appears oriental in nature with gnarled roots.
The words "MADE IN JAPAN" are stamped on the back of the plate and bottom of the cup.
After 1891 the U.S. required all items exported to the U.S. to be marked with the country of origin in English. Japan was required to mark its products to the U.S. with "JAPAN" or "MADE IN JAPAN" instead of "NIPPON" after 1921. Thus, this little set was probably made after 1921 but befor the 1950's when metalic paper labels were mainly used. Prior to the 1950's the adhesives used to attach labels were of too poor a quality to be used to mark export items.

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